Hi folks! As u guys know, I haven't spent the same attention to the blog, I'm really getting busy. And all those things about copyrights... A great blog was blocked then... I can't get worry about it now. So... I'll let my mediafire account on share mode while I can't back. I hope it helps...!!!!
And...a tip. All the books I've found on the web... isn't hard. Try Emule, Orkut, and specially 4shared.
See ya
Songbook - Almir Chediak - As 101 Melhores Canções do Século XX - Vol. 2
Posted by Manu in Almir Chediak, Bossa Nova/MPB, MPB, Songbook
Almir Chediak - As 101 Melhores Canções do Século XX - Vol. 2(158 pages)
Arrangement: Piano, Voice and Guitar.
01 Agora é cinza (Alcebíades Barcelos & Armando Marçal)
02 Águas de Março (Antonio Carlos Jobim)
03 Ai, que saudade da Amélia (Ataulfo Alves & Mario Lago)
04 Andança Danilo Caymmi (Edmundo Souto & Paulinho Tapajós)
05 A noite do meu bem (Dolores Duran)
06 Apelo (Baden Powel & Vinicius de Moraes)
07 Asa branca (Luiz Gonzaga & Humberto Teixeira)
08 Atrás da porta (Francis Hime & Chico Buarque)
09 A volta do boêmio (Adelino Moreira)
10 Barracão (Luiz Antonio & Oldemar Magalhães)
11 Beijo partido (Toninho Horta)
12 Brasil (Cazuza, George Israel & Nilo Romero)
13 Canta Brasil (Alcir Pires Vermelho & David Nasser)
14 Carcará (João do Vale & José Candido)
15 Carinhoso (Pixinguinha & João de Barro)
16 Casa no campo (Zé Rodrix & Tavito)
17 Chega de saudade (Antonio Carlos Jobim & Vinicius de Moraes)
18 Cidade Maravilhosa (André Filho)
19 Começaria tudo outra vez (Gonzaguinha)
20 Como uma onda (Lulu Santos & Nelson Motta)
21 Coração bobo (Alceu Valença)
22 De conversa em conversa (Lucio Alves & Haroldo Barbosa)
23 Detalhes (Roberto Carlos & Erasmo Carlos)
24 Dia branco (Geraldo Azevedo & Renato Rocha)
25 Disparada (Geraldo Vandré & Theo de Barros)
26 Diz que fui por aí (Zé Ketti & Hortêncio Rocha)
27 Flor-de-lis (Djavan)
28 Folhas secas (Nelson Cavaquinho & Guilherme de Brito)
29 Garota de Ipanema (Antonio Carlos Jobim & Vinicius de Moraes)
30 Jura (Sinhô)
31 Louco (Ela é seu mundo) (Wilson Batista)
32 Madalena (Ivan Lins & Ronaldo Monteiro de Souza)
33 Manhã de carnaval (Luiz Bonfá & Antônio Maria)
34 Maracatu atômico (Nelson Jacobina & Jorge Mautner)
35 Marina (Dorival Caymmi)
36 Minha namorada (Carlos Lyra & Vinicius de Moares)
37 Mulata assanhada (Ataulfo Alves)
38 No rancho fundo (Ary Barroso & Lamartine Babo)
39 O bêbado e a equilibrista (João Bosco & Aldir Blanc)
40 O teu cabelo não nega (Lamartine Babo & Irmãos Valença)
41 Ouça (Maysa)
42 Pérola negra (Luiz Melodia)
43 Ronda (Paulo Vanzolini)
44 Samba de verão (Marcos Valle & Paulo Sérgio Valle)
45 Se você jurar (Ismael Silva, Newton Bastos & Francisco Alves)
46 Todo o sentimento (Cristovão Bastos & Chico Buarque)
47 Trem das onze (Adoniram Barbosa)
48 Tudo que você podia ser (Lô Borges & Marcio Borges)
49 Último desejo (Noel Rosa)
50 Viagem (João de Aquino & Paulo César Pinheiro)
51 Zelão (Sérgio Ricardo)
Songbook - Almir Chediak - As 101 Melhores Canções do Século XX - Vol. 1
Posted by Manu in Almir Chediak, Bossa Nova/MPB, MPB, Songbook
Agradecimentos ao Ramiro, por estes 2 Songbooks!! xD
Almir Chediak - As 101 Melhores Canções do Século XX - Vol. 1(159 pages)
Arrangement: Piano, Voice and Guitar.
01 A banda (Chico Buarque)
02 Admirável gado novo (Zé Ramalho)
03 Alegria, alegria (Caetano Veloso)
04 Amigo é pra essas coisas (Sílvio Silva & Aldir Blanc)
05 Amor de índio (Beto Guedes & Ronaldo Bastos)
06 Aos pés da cruz (Zé da Zilda & Marino Pinto)
07 A paz (João Donato & Gilberto Gil)
08 Aquarela do Brasil (Ary Barroso)
09 Aquele abraço (Gilberto Gil)
10 As rosas não falam (Cartola)
11 Ave-Maria no morro (Herivelto Martins)
12 Azul da cor do mar (Tim Maia)
13 Beatriz (Edu Lobo & Chico Buarque)
14 Brasil pandeiro (Assis Valente)
15 Caçador de mim (Sérgio Magrão & Luiz Carlos Sá)
16 Casa de bamba (Martinho da Vila)
17 Catavento e girassol (Guinga & Aldir Blanc)
18 Chão de estrelas (Orestes Barbosa & Silvio Caldas)
19 Chuvas de verão (Fernando Lobo)
20 Começar de novo (Ivan Lins & Victor Martins)
21 Comida (Arnaldo Antunes, Marcelo Fromer & Sérgio Brito)
22 Conversa de botequim (Vadico & Noel Rosa)
23 Copacabana (João de Barro & Alberto Ribeiro)
24 Da cor do pecado (Bororó)
25 Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim & Newton Mendonça)
26 Eu e a brisa (Johnny Alf)
27 Eu só quero um xodó (Dominguinhos & Anastácia)
28 Falsa baiana (Geraldo Pereira)
29 Festa do interior (Moraes Moreira & Abel Silva)
30 Foi um rio que passou em minha vida (Paulinho da Viola)
31 Fullgás (Marina Lima & Antonio Cícero)
32 Gente humilde (Garoto, Vinicius de Moraes & Chico Buarque)
33 Gita (Raul Seixas & Paulo Coelho)
34 Jura secreta (Sueli Costa & Abel Silva)
35 Luar do sertão (Catulo da Paixão Cearense)
36 Mania de você (Rita Lee & Roberto de Carvalho)
37 Meu erro (Herbert Vianna)
38 Mucuripe (Fagner & Belchior)
39 Nada além (Custódio Mesquita & Mario Lago)
40 O barquinho (Roberto Menescal & Ronaldo Boscoli)
41 O cantador (Dori Caymmi & Nelson Motta)
42 País tropical (Jorge Ben Jor)
43 Pressentimento (Elton Medeiros & Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)
44 Sá Marina (Antonio Adolfo & Tibério Gaspar)
45 Se acaso você chegasse (Lupicínio Rodrigues & Felisberto Martins)
46 Sonho meu (Ivone Lara & Delson Carvalho)
47 Tarde em Itapuã (Toquinho & Vinicius de Moraes)
48 Travessia (Milton Nascimento & Fernando Brant)
49 Tristeza de nós dois (Maurício Einhorn, Durval Ferreira & Bebeto)
50 Valsa de uma cidade (Ismael Neto & Antonio Maria)
Jon Schmidt - Piano Solos Vol. II(x pages)
Arrangement: Piano.
Good Times
Bells of Freedom
By Moonlight
Sacred Ground
Ridin' West
Winter Wind
More Info!
Method - Mário Mascarenhas - Duas Mãozinhas no Teclado
Posted by Manu in Irmaos Vitale, Methods, Piano
Como prometi...
Mário Mascarenhas - Duas Mãozinhas no Teclado (Portuguese Only)(76 pages)
Arrangement: Piano. (By Irmaos Vitale)
"Desenvolvido pelo mestre Mário Mascarenhas, este método já foi utilizado por mais de 200 mil crianças, o que atesta sua adequabilidade e aprovação junto a professores de piano em todo o Brasil. Voltado para alunos a partir de 4 anos, foi escrito numa linguagem fácil, divertida e de eficiência didática muito superior à dos demais livros da categoria."
Rubank - Clarinet Method - Elementary(48 pages)
Arrangement: Clarinet.(By Hal Leonard)

Part I

Part II

Part III
Methods - Jamey Aebersold - Vol. 020 - Jimmy Raney
Posted by Silva in Aebersold, Blues/Jazz/Soul/Funk, Guitar, Methods
Songbook - Disney - Pirates of the Caribbean - Tenor Sax
Posted by Silva in Disney, Movie Songbooks, Sax, Songbook
Disney - Pirates of the Caribbean - Tenor Sax(24 pages)
Arrangement: Tenor Sax. (By Hal Leonard)
The Medallion Calls
The Black Pearl
To The Pirate's Cave!
One Last Shot
He's A Pirate
Blood Ritual
Moonlight Serenade
Underwater March
Davy Jones
Davy Jones Plays His Organ
Dinner Is Served
I've Got My Eye On You
Jack Sparrow
The Kraken
Two Hornpipes (Fisher's Hornpipe)
Wheel Of Fortune
Methods - Niehaus - Developing Jazz Concepts
Posted by Silva in Blues/Jazz/Soul/Funk, Clarinet, Flute, Methods, Niehaus, Sax, Trombone, Trumpet
Niehaus - Developing Jazz Concepts(48 pages)
Arrangement: Jazz instruments (Sax, Trumpet, Flute, Trombone, Clarinet).
The 20 exercises and 25 etudes in this book are intended to help in the development of the basic concepts of jazz style, phrasing, rhythms and progressions. It is excellent as a supplement to lesson material of for daily warm-up and practice.
Songbook - Piazzolla - Histoire du Tango
Posted by Silva in Duets, Flute, Guitar, Piazzola, Songbook, Tango
Astor Piazzolla - Histoire du Tango(21 pages)
Arrangement: Flute and Guitar.
Bordel 1900
Cafe 1930 (One page is missing. Download the FULL VERSION HERE)
Concert d'aujourd'hui
Night-club 1960
Songbook - Co. Champaign Irish Tune Collections Online
Posted by Silva in Flute, Folk Songs, Songbook, Violin/Fiddle
Co. Champaign Irish Tune Collections Online
Arrangement: Violin, Fiddle, Flute, or else.
The Co. Champaign Irish Tune Collections On-Line - Vol. 1.pdf
The Co. Champaign Irish Tune Collections On-Line - Vol. 2.pdf
The Co. Champaign Irish Tune Collections On-Line - Vol. 3.pdf
Check more info on the source!
County Champaign Irish Tune Collections Online
Lara FabianArrangement: Piano, Voice and Guitar and MID files.
Lara Fabian - The Dream Within.pdf
Lara Fabian - Adagio (instrumental).mid
Lara Fabian - Adagio.mid
Songbook - Ian Murphy - Astor Piazzolla for Violin and Guitar
Posted by Silva in Duets, Guitar, Piazzola, Songbook, Violin/Fiddle
Ian Murphy - Astor Piazzolla for Violin and Guitar(80 pages)
Arrangement: Guitar and Violin Duets. (By Hal Leonard)
Adios nonino, Boricua, Buenos Aires Hora Cero, Calambre, Decarisimo, Dernier lamento, Detresse, Extasis, Fievre (Fiebre de Tango), Fracanapa, Greenwich, Gulinay, Imagines 676, Iracundo, La Calle 92, La fin del mundo, Las Furias, Llueve Sobre Broadway, Los Poseidos, Made In USA, Mi Exaltacion, Misteriosa Vida, Nuevo Mundo, Presentania, Psicosis, Recuerdo New York, Revirado, Romantico Idilio (Sans ta presence), Se Termino (C'est fini), Suavidad, Tango choc (Doudou), Tanguisimo Te quiero tango, Todo Fue, Yo canto un tango.
Songbook - Denes Agay - The Joy Of First Classics
Posted by Silva in Baroque, Beethoven, Classic, Liszt, Piano, Schubert, Songbook
Denes Agay - The Joy Of First Classics(81 pages)
Arrangement: Piano.
Old German Dance C Major, composed by Michael Praetorius
Canario G Major, composed by Joachim Von Der hofe
Little Sonata C Major, composed by C.H. Wilton
Brave Knight C Major, composed by Moritz Vogel
Aria D Minor, composed by Daniel Speer
Follow Me! G Major, composed by Kalman Chovan
Four Little Pieces composed by Daniel Gottlob Turk
Gavotte C Major, composed by George Frideric Handel
Russian Dance G Major, composed by Alexander Goedicke
Two Little Inventions C Major, A Minor, composed by Jan Jakub Ryba
Gavotte A Minor, composed by Johann Georg Witthauer
Danse Galante C Major, composed by Johann Georg Witthauer
Two Hungarian Play Tunes C Major, G Major, composed by Istvan Bartalus
Bear Dance C Major, composed by Robert Schumann
The Lute Player G Major, composed by Jacques Saint-Luc
Song Without Words A Minor, composed by Fritz Spindler
Exuberance G Major, composed by Nikolaus Joseph Hullmandel
Carefree Stroll C Major, composed by Louis Kohler
German Dance D Major, composed by Joseph Haydn
Dance Song F Major, composed by Sperontes
Duettino C Major, composed by Johann Wilhelm Hassler
Old Irish Air G Major, composed by William Felton
Mazurka C Major, composed by Maria Szymanowsa
Minuet G Major, composed by Johann Sebastian Bach, From the 'Little Notebook Of Anna Magdalena Bach'.
Russian Folk Song G Major, composed by Ludwig van Beethoven
Tarantella C Major, composed by Scotson Clark
La Montagnarde G Major, composed by Jean Joseph Mouret
Minuet K.6 C Major, composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Bagatelle C Major, composed by Antonio Diabelli
Musette D Major, composed by Johann Sebastian Bach, From the 'Little Notebook Of Anna Magdalena Bach'.
Minuet F Major, composed by Leopold Mozart, From the 'Little Notebook For Nannerl'.
Pastorale G Major, composed by Friedrich Burgmuller
Bourree A Minor, composed by Johann Krieger
Village Dance C Major, composed by Ludwig van Beethoven
The Cuckoo Waltz C Major, composed by August Eberhard Muller
Mount Vernon Set composed by Alexander Reinagle
Cradle Song F Major, composed by Johann Philipp Kirnberger
Christmas Pastorale C Major, composed by Valentin Rathgeber
Ecossaise Eb Major, composed by Ludwig van Beethoven
Arabesque A Minor, composed by Friedrich Burgmuller
Waltz A Major, composed by Franz Schubert
Sonata C Major, composed by Domenico Scarlatti
Early English Sonata C Major, composed by William Duncombe
Air D Minor, composed by Henry Purcell
Bourree E Minor, composed by Christophe Graupner
Russian Polka D Minor, composed by Mikhael Ivanovich Glinka
Circle Dance C Major, composed by Felix Le Couppey
Contredanse D Minor, composed by Unknown
Rondino Pastorale G Major, composed by Carl Reinecke
Alexander March F Major, composed by Ludwig van Beethoven
Scherzino G Major, composed by Carl Reinecke
Rondino C Major, composed by Jean Philippe Rameau
Elegy E Minor, composed by Carl Reinecke
Carnival A Minor, composed by Francois Couperin
Rigaudon A Minor, composed by Georg Philip Telemann
Allegro K.3 Bb Major, composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Solemn Procession F Major, composed by Ignaz Pleyel
Rondoletto D Major, composed by Christian Traugott Brunner
Carillons A Minor, composed by Johann Philipp Kirnberger
King William's March D Major, composed by Jeremiah Clarke
Canzone A Minor, composed by Daniel Gottlob Turk
Landler C Major, composed by Franz Schubert
Little Piece C Major, composed by Robert Schumann, From 'Album For The Young'.
L'Epineuse E Minor, composed by Francois Couperin
Arioso G Minor, composed by Georg Philipp Telemann
Burlesca G Major, composed by Georg Philipp Telemann
Sonatina No. 2 - First Movement G Major, composed by Jean T. Latour
Gigue E Minor, composed by Johann Nikolaus Tischer
Dance Sonatina F Major, composed by Thomas Attwood
Romantic Story D Minor, composed by Cornelius Gurlitt
Playful Dialogue C Major, composed by Johann Nepomuk Hummel
Waltz B Minor, composed by Franz Schubert
Ecossaise C Minor, composed by Friedrich Kuhlau
Album Leaf F Major, composed by Franz Liszt
Songbook - Michael Eskin - Blarney Stone Pub - Irish Session Tunes - Violin(Fiddle) or Flute
Posted by Silva in Flute, Folk Songs, Songbook, Violin/Fiddle
Michael Eskin - Blarney Stone Pub - Irish Session Tunes - Violin(Fiddle) or Flute(115 pages)
Arrangement: Violin or Flute.
Visit Eskin's website to get more info!
Songbook - Denes Agay - The Joy Of Classics
Posted by Silva in Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Classic, Haydn, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Piano, Schubert, Schumann, Songbook
Denes Agay - The Joy Of Classics(82 pages)
Arrangement: Piano.
Gavotte Daniel Gottlob Turk
Grandfather's Musical Clock
Dance Of The Gnomes
Spring Song Felix Mendelssohn
Musette Johann Sebastian Bach
Austrian Peasant Dance
Minuet Alessandro Scarlatti
Little Prelude
Allegro Finale
Melody Robert Schumann
Gypsy Dance
The Doll's Funeral March
Andante From Toccata In G Minor
La Xenophon
Waltz Frederic Chopin
Mazurka Frederic Chopin
Little Scherzo
Two Landler Franz Schubert
The Queens Dolour
Album Leaf Franz Liszt
Waltz Johannes Brahms
Country Dance Ludwig Van Beethoven
Arietta Colin Hand
At A Venetian Lagune
Three Romances Op.21
Minuet Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
The Hiding Cuckoo
Minuet From Piano Sonata
Rigadoon Henry Purcell
Les Moissonneurs
Thorny One
Ecossaise Carl Maria Von Weber
Noel Louis-claude Daquin
Song Without Words Op.102 No.6
Sixth Lecon
Aria Johann Sebastian Bach
Sonata Minuet
Aylesford Piece
The Little Soldiers
Allegretto Grazioso Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
Night Song
Dance Song
Musical Pastime
Little Serenade
Two Ecossaises
Intermezzo Mikhail Glinka
Polka Mikhail Glinka
La Marmotte
German Dance Franz Joseph Haydn
The Harvesters
Blindman's Buff
Sheet Music - Duets for Violin or Flute and Guitar
Posted by Silva in Bach, Classic, Duets, Flute, Guitar, Paganini, Piazzola, Sheet Music, Violin/Fiddle, Vivaldi
Duets for Violin or Flute and Guitar
Arrangement: Duets for Violin (or Flute) and Guitar.Contain:
Bach - BWV1001 Fugue from Violin Sonata N.1 - Violin and Guitar.pdf
Carulli - 5 Serenaden - Flute (violin) and guitar.pdf
Carulli - Variations sur des Air de la Gazza ladra de Rossini - Guitar and Violin.pdf
Giuliani - Op. 019, Serenate - Guitar, Violin And Cello.pdf
Giuliani - Op. 025 Duo Concertante - Violin and Guitar.pdf
Giuliani - Op. 074, Pieces Faciles Et Agreables - Flute Or Violin and Guitar.pdf Giuliani - Op. 081, Six Variations - Flute or Violin And Guitar.pdf Giuliani - Op. 082, Grande Serenade - Flute Or Violin and Guitar.pdfGiuliani - Op. 085, Grand duo - Flute or violin and Guitar.pdf Giuliani - Op. 086, Divertimento Notturno No.6 - flute or violin and guitar.pdf Giuliani - Op. 127, Serenade - Flute or violin and Guitar.pdf Haydn - Op. 03, N.5 Serenade - Flute or Violin and Guitarra.pdf
Paganini - 6 Duets for Violin & Guitar - Violin and Guitar.pdf
Paganini - Cantabile - Violin and Guitar.pdf
Paganini - Sonata No.6 - Violin and Guitar.pdf
Piazzolla - Calambre - Violin and Guitar.pdf
Vivaldi - Op. 02, N. 11 e N. 12 - Two Sonatas RV 09 and RV 32 - Trascription For Violin And Guitar.pdf
Songbook - Hans Zimmer - Disney - Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - At World's End
Posted by Silva in Disney, Hans Zimmer, Movie Songbooks, Piano, Songbook
Hans Zimmer - Disney - Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - At World's End(58 pages)
Arrangement: Piano, Voice and Guitar.
At Wit's End
Brethren Court
Drink Up Me Hearties
I Don't Think Now's The Time
I See Dead People In Boats
One Day
Up Is Down
Hoist The Colours (composed by Hans Zimmer and Gore Verbinski, vocal melody included).
Disney - Songbook - Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - Dead Man's Chest
Posted by Silva in Disney, Movie Songbooks, Piano, Songbook
Disney - Songbook - Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl
Posted by Silva in Disney, Movie Songbooks, Piano, Songbook
Songbook - John Williams - Jurassic Park (Piano Solos)
Posted by Silva in Movie Songbooks, Piano, Songbook
Songbook - Kenny G - Breathless
Posted by Silva in Bass, Blues/Jazz/Soul/Funk, Drum, Guitar, Sax, Songbook
Kenny G - Breathless(72 pages)
Arrangement: Sax (soprano, alto, tenor), keyboard, guitar, bass and drum. (By Hal Leonard)
Alone Soprano Saxophone.
By The Time This Night Is Over Soprano Saxophone.
End Of The Night Tenor Saxophone.
Even If My Heart Would Break Tenor Saxophone.
Forever In Love Soprano Saxophone.
G-Bop Soprano Saxophone.
Homeland Soprano Saxophone.
In The Rain Alto Saxophone.
The Joy Of Life Soprano Saxophone.
Morning Soprano Saxophone.
Sentimental Soprano Saxophone.
Sister Rose Soprano Saxophone.
A Year Ago Tenor Saxophone.
The Wedding Song Soprano Saxophone.
Readers Digest - Merry Christmas Songbook(x pages)
Arrangement: Piano, Voice and Guitar.
Adeste Fideles (O Come All Ye Faithful)
All Hail To Thee
Angels From The Realm of Glory
Angels We Have Heard On High
As Lately We Watched
As With Gladness Men of Old
Auld Lang Syne
Away In a Manger
Blue Christmas
Brazilian Sleigh Bells
Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light
Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella
Buon Natale (Merry Christmas to You)
Burgundian Carol
Carol of the Bells
Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
Children, Go Where I send Thee
Christians, Awake, Salute the Happy Morn
Christmas is for Cowboys
Christmas in Killarney
Christmas Is
Christmas Song, The
Christmas Waltz, The
Deck The Halls
First Noel, The
For Thy Mercy and Thy Grace
Friendly Beasts, The
Frosty The Snowman
Go Tell It On The Mountain
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Good Christian Men, Rejoice
Good King Wenceslas
Happy Birthday, Jesus
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Hawaiian Christmas Song, The
Here Comes Santa Claus
Here We Come A-Caroling
Hey, Ho, Nobody Home
Holly and the Ivy, The
Holly Jolly Christmas, A
Huron Christmas Carol, The
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
I Saw Three Ships
I Wonder as I Wander
I'll Be Home for Christmas
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Jing-A-Ling, Jing-A-Ling
Jingle Bells
Jingle Bell Rock
Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mild
Joy to the World
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Little Boy that Santa Claus Forgot, The Little Drummer Boy, The
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
March of the Kings
March of the Toys
Marshmallow World, A
Mary's Little Boy Child
Mele Kalikimaka
Merry Christmas Polka, The
My Favorite Things
All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth
Night Before Christmas Song, The
Nutcracker Sweets
Nuttin' For Christmas
O Christmas Tree (O Tannenbaum)
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)
O Come, Little Chidren
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
O Holy Night
O Little Town of Bethlehem
O Sanctissima
O Tannenbaum (O Christmas Tree)
Once in a Royal David's City
Out of the East
Over the River and Through the Woods
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers
Peace Carol, The
Ring Out, Wild Bells
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Santa Claus, Indiana, USA
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Silent Night
Silver Bells
Skater's Waltz, The
Sleep Well, Little Children
Sleigh Ride
Suzy Snowflake
Sweet Little Jesus Boy
Take Me Back to Toyland
That's What I Want for Christmas
Twas' the Moon of Wintertime
Twelve Days of Christmas, The
Up on the Housetop
Virgin's Slumber Song, The
We Need a Little Christmas
We Three Kings of Orient Are
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
What Are You Doing New Years Eve?
What Child Is This?
When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night
Will Santy Come to Shanty Town?
Winter Wonderland
The Red Violin

The biography of a masterpiece musical instrument and its globetrotting passage through centuries of owners, this is a film overflowing with fervent movements of pathos, seductive tempos of passion, tragic refrains of sorrow and a riveting, recurring chorus that ties every measure beautifully together." Read More!
John Corigliano - Annas theme - The Red Violin - piano
John Corigliano - The Red Violin Caprices - Violin
Bon Jovi - Cross Road(96 pages)
Arrangement: ??? (By Hal Leonard)
Someday I'll Be Saturday Night
Prayer '94
Bad Medicine
Bed Of Roses
Blaze Of Glory
I'll Be There For You
In And Out Of Love
Keep The Faith
Lay Your Hands On Me
Livin' On A Prayer
Wanted Dead Or Alive
You Give Love A Bad Name
In And Out Of Love
I'll Be There For You
Keep The Faith

"Evanescence is a Grammy-winning American alternative metal band founded in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1995 by singer/pianist Amy Lee and guitarist Ben Moody.Arrangement: Piano, Voice and Guitar and Piano Solo.
After recording two private EPs and a demo CD named Origin, with the help of Bigwig Enterprises in 2000, the band released their first full-length album, Fallen, on Wind-up Records in 2003. Fallen sold more than 15 million copies worldwide and helped the band win two Grammy Awards. A year later, Evanescence released their first live album, Anywhere but Home, which sold more than one million copies worldwide. In 2006, the band released their second studio album, The Open Door, which sold more than four million copies.
The band suffered several line-up changes, including co-founder Moody leaving in 2003, bassist Will Boyd in mid-2006, followed by guitarist John LeCompt and drummer Rocky Gray in 2007. Lee is now the only original member of Evanescence remaining in the band. Source: Wiki
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- Disney - Songbook - Pirates of the Caribbean - Th...
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- Songbook (PVG) - Readers Digest - Merry Christmas ...
- Sheet Music - The Red Violin
- Songbook (Guitar) - Bon Jovi - New The Jersey
- Songbook (Guitar) - Bon Jovi - Keep The Faith
- Songbook (PVG) - Bon Jovi - Cross Road
- Sheet Music - Evanescence
- Aebersold
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